Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Accounting Ethics vs Life Ethics

I recently stumbled upon a blog that was ALL about ethics. Imagine how excited I was?!

I never really thought about the different between accounting ethics and life ethics. I guess it just seemed common sense to me - like the difference between a granny smith apple and a golden delicious apple, they're taste different, but in the end, they're both apples. I imagined ethics would be the same - different areas, but same concept.

According to this blog, written by a CPA and author of multiple ethics, fraud, and accounting articles, what I thought is actually right. You have to integrate life ethics into business ethics. Think about it - why wouldn't you? If you lived your life knowing you shouldn't lie to your parents or your friends, then why would you lie to your boss or your coworker? Each day, we are faced with decisions that may affect someone else's lives - if we buy a donut at 711, we will be generating revenue for 711, if we drive, we will add to the traffic on I-95, and when we need gas, we'll be helping gas stations and in turn the economy. There is nothing you can do that will only affect you, so why not live your life the same way in every aspect?

One thing I learned from the blog is that not only has there been multiple cases of fraud, but two of the remaining big accounting firms have also faced being under the microscope for ethical concerns. In the end, I believe that accountants should be as ethical in the workplace as they are in their personal lives. Scratch that, every one should be as ethical in the workplace as they are in their personal lives. Are you?


  1. I think that people should actually be MORE ethical in the workplace than in their personal lives. because I think there is a lot more at stake in the professional arena. That is just my opinion, some people would stress the importance of personal ethics among friends and family more than in the workplace. But hey, you need a job, and being ethical in the workplace will help you keep it.

    1. I agree with you Majed, I strongly believe people should be MORE ethical in the workplace than in their personal lives. I think they're both equally important. Let me just put it this way. If you do unethical things in life you still need to be ethical at work. There is an emphasis on work because like you said YOU NEED A JOB.

  2. I think it all comes down to education. Ethics should be a top priority in school's programs. Learning real world problems that face ethics situations should be analyzed and discussed in classrooms.
    The consequences are much greater in the business world where ethics is the foundation for a healthy economy.

  3. Ethics are a huge part of who you are and what your action show. In the workplace it is critical to uphold what is right because so much is at stake. It can cripple a business if your ethics are not in line with what their ethics are. Many times employees are making a decision whether to go with their morals or their ethics and it is a tough decision if they see something against their own personal beliefs. However, you are getting paid to uphold the ethics of the company.
